Cinderella MSC is a visual modelling tool for analysis, specification,documentation and testing of communications services, protocols, or any kind of message/signal based system.
MSC is based on the specification language MSC, standardised by the
International Telecommunication union, ITU. MSC is a graphical notation that encompasses the expressive power of UML sequence diagrams.
A powerful API (Application Programming Interface) comes with the Cinderella MSC tool.
The API allows an external program to manipulate Cinderella MSC through a set of simple C-like function calls.
Implementation links allow tracing the MSC from Cinderella SDL
The API can both be used from a server application (a dll called from the MSC editor) and
from a server application (an external program controlling Cinderella MSC). Examples of API usages are:
Two Applications with source codes comes with Cinderella MSC