Changes in version 1.3
Support of the CSDLClient API
Table of Contents and user controlled print order
Multiple lines can be used when setting directory paths
Include path for environment variables INCLUDE & CSDLINCLUDE shows in options
Pasted Channels are now preserved - also those going to/from the environment
It is now possible to associate a comment symbol to a signal list.
Out connectors which are cut without connections are now pasted as In connectors (for pragmatic reasons)
On closing, the user is now prompted for saving of changed linked files, no matter whether the changes in the
main file is chosen saved.
Support field selection with '.' in case of SDL2000
Allow operators with omitted parameters in case of SDL2000
Fields can be initiated with DEFAULT in case of SDL2000
Changed sizing of text symbols during import so that they never exceeds the current drawing area
Changes handling of modification mark, so that a file only gets the modified status if
Corrected bug concerned with use of Escape when doing exit from edit window
Empty pages on outermost level not saved to file. Solves problem with autoloaded PR packages
Same spontaneous transition is not chosen every time in a give state (if there
Changes in version 1.2
Support of network licenses
CIF import improved to take into account "bad" CIF. Cinderella
imports/exports CIF from both Tau and ObjectGeode without problems
Increased control of PR export by means of new export options
Size of drawing area no longer restricted to a printer page. Multiple pages are
printed when drawing area is bigger than printer page size.
Simulation may now continue after attempt to interpret an informal task
Handling of linked files improved and Cinderella SDL is more informative in case of
problems with opening of linked files.
is a covered file extension during automatic loading of packages
If-then-else statements a'la ObjectGeode supported
New plug-in methods to facilitate custom options
Line info file can be generated. It contains the correspondence between symbols
and lines. Very useful for code generation.
Exception handling supported according to SDL-2000
Various SDL-2000 features supported such as case sensitivity (easy conversion from
SDL-96 possible), new syntax for data, new syntax for parameters, textual
procedures, range check expression, etc.
Improved showing of type hierarchies and virtuals in Explorer
Startup settings for Explorer can be defined.
Automatic continuation on new page for in/out connectors